First Quarter of 2020: Self-Discipline, Black Excellence and This Amazing Amazon Find

First Quarter of 2020: Self-Discipline, Black Excellence and This Amazing  Amazon Find

I've been more consistent this year than ever before. I told you guys on my post on the gram that I finally chose a word for the year even though we're a quarter of the way in. My word of the year is Discipline and I've been proving myself  very capable and that's to myself and my mini me. Black Excellence is a term that keeps popping up. I want to see how far I can go when I apply myself. I saw @greeneyesgoldsoul say , "I get luckier the harder I work" and I felt that in both parts of my life. I'm consistently working on my own trauma these days and creating better habits for my current & future relationships.  I found that I need to consistently see, speak on, and write my career goals. 

This year I decided I don't want to look back and say wow you are saying the same things. I don't want to do a look through and see myself going in circles. I absolutely have had some growth in my life but I haven't been consistently disciplined and consequently neither has my growth.  I'm taking part in Lent this year and what a perfect time because Lent is the time for preparation and reflection. I love that because it's time to check in and to re-adjust. Ask yourself whats working and whats not. Are you doing what you said you would do?

Three home decor items I've added that have 100% helped me stay disciplined in 2020. 

1. My dry-erase TO-DO board

2. My Bulletin board in my room

3. My planner

4. My Cookbook (YES I said my cook book)

I love very much the idea that I'm a work  in progress, I love all the tweaks I've made and seeing how they make me a better me, and therefore making a better mom.