7 Non Boring Suits for Fall

7 Non Boring Suits for Fall

What a fine day to pop in to the suits! We have arrived. Women in suits is such a statement and thank God we have some diversity in the plus size world to have options to choose from.

What is it about coordinates that make us say YASSSS sis. Things that just fit perfectly together. Now I don't know if you guys ever go look and buy what I post up here but I try to make sure I only present what I would consider buying or what I would love to see on someone else.  So these suits I lined up are a bang for me.I don't make a lot of money so  buying co-ords tend to be bit out of my price range typically. I mean it really has to bang for me shoot my shot. Derria gave me the idea with her own JcPenney matching pieces look. 

When you put on a suit , it kind of gives you a jolt of confidence. A good suit will have you looking so pulled together. I think I love a pant suit more than a skirt suit. It has it's own energy so to say.  BDE.